Canadian Federal Policy Changes Following the Enactment of Bill C-16 (2017)
Bill C16 amended the Cdn Human Rights Act by adding gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited ground of discrimination
Canadian Federal Policy Changes Following the Enactment of Bill C-16 (2017)
A Parent Speaks to her School Board
The Crooked Road from Gay and Straight to Gender and Sexuality
Whatever happened to the Status of Women?
Ms. Haddy Nuff fixes the WAGE news release celebrating 5 years of Bill C-16 receiving Royal Assent.
Women of Canada respond to the government's question: How to define Women?
Meet Skipping Stone, the trans youth organization hosting sex work peer groups
Government of Canada: “Modernizing our understanding” of the definition of women
Transition your body, Destroy your mind
Canada hands out more cash to endanger women and children
Trudeau's Stealth Steal of Women's Rights