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  • Gender Dissent

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a peaceful and joyful holiday truce in our battle to reclaim women’s sex-based rights and the rights of children to grow up naturally. As we finish our first full year of

publication, we want to thank all our readers and supporters. You have shared our posts with

families, friends and co-workers. You have sent us tips and story ideas. You have offered to

write for us. And you have donated to help us with our tech and other requirements. Thank


New developments for 2023 include the option to become a Gender Dissent patron. Find our

Patreon link on our Donate page. And best of all, we’re making plans to offer merch! Soon

you’ll be able to wear Gender Dissent t-shirts and distribute Gender Dissent stickers.

Subscribe to get our latest posts in your in-box.

Take a few days off, everyone, and we’ll see you in the trenches in the new year!

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